Cooper Hendricks and Colin Keyes
Staff Writers
Spelunky is getting a sequel in Spelunky 2, which has already been postponed from its originally scheduled 2019 release date.
Spelunky was a 2D rogue-like platformer game released in 2008 by Derek Yu. The game saw massive underground success for its unforgiving difficulty and unique level design. The original game consisted of you playing as an Indiana Jonesesque character who ventures into an ancient and mysterious cave, which changed stages after every 4 levels. A player would start out in an obvious cave and then move to a jungle, a frozen tundra, a temple, and then to the final boss stage.
The second game in the franchise, again called Spelunky, was a significant improvement with better graphics and different gadgets as well as a second ending and many new side stages. This game again was given high praise by fans and critics alike for its betterment of the original games already liked qualities. This time there was another final boss, the Devil himself and he was hidden by the most difficult stage in the game: the Underworld.
Fans of the series were more than excited to hear that the game would be getting a sequel and awaited its release with eagerness and anticipation. The trailer showed new enemies, mounts and gadgets.
Unfortunately, the 2019 release date that was scheduled never came to fruition and was postponed. The game has no official release date and there is no information as to how close the product is to being finished.