Monday, May 14, 2018

Meteor hits Fortnite community

Mike Borys and Lear Asplundh
Staff Writers

A lot of talk has been going on about what the new Fortnite battle pass is going to be like. Many users were expecting the center of attraction, Tilted Towers, to be affected by the meteor, but they were wrong. A tiny part of Tilted Towers was hit but no major damage to the majority of the city. The damage hit mostly in Dusty Depot. Dusty Depot was a tiny little three building complex. This small part of the map was usually not visited by players, just because of the lack of loot that is present. The damage ended up creating a huge crater in the map and is now called Dusty Divot. The scene is a space station, with moon rocks scattered throughout the divot, which give you a boost in your jump. This place attracts an enormous amount of players. The first reason is because it is new and the players want to conquer the new area. Another reason why so many people land in Dusty Divot is because its size. Dusty Divot may be the largest place on the map. It may not have a lot of buildings, but the crater is enormous. This attracts many players, which results in a lot of action.
  Another town was introduced to the players: Risky Reels. This was added in the new battle pass for more places to land. This place consists of an outdoor movie theatre and as well has a crater in the middle of the complex. This place is heavily loaded with players just because it is very new to the game. In the future, we believe it will not be a well visited area just because its size and limited loot.  Moisty Mire has also been upgraded in the season four update. Moisty Mire has been the laughingstock of Fortnite ever since it was added. The swamp water makes the player slow and the lack of loot has made Moisty Mire not even an option for players on the battle bus.