Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Harvey Weinstein has been expelled from the television academy

Victoria Siano

On Nov. 7, 2017, Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was banned for life from the Television Academy as a result of his sexual harassment and assault accusations from a number of women.
 The news of Mr. Weinstein’s charges had raised questions regarding his future in the nonprofit organization. In a hearing last month is was decided that the organization would take disciplinary action against him, the decision of which would be made after a hearing, which took place on Monday, Nov. 6, and the Television Academy’s governance voted to expel him from the Academy for life.
 The organization issued a statement to Variety magazine: “The Academy supports those speaking out against harassment in all forms and stands behind those who have been affected by this issue.”Due to this, the Academy has found the accusations made about Weinstein to be deeply disturbing and horrific, and as a means of better preventing such people from taking part in the organization, has been accelerating a process to review a potential membership code of conduct it had been reviewing before this information was discovered.”
 In a response to this issues, the company has released a statement claiming: “We are determined to play a role in protecting all television professionals from predatory harassment, ensuring they are able to practice their craft in a safe environment.”

 This banishment is just the most recent in a series of professional condemnations brought on by the recent accusations about his mistreatment towards women, with some of the other punishments consisting of being kicked out of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the Producers Guild of America, BAFTA, and being fired from the Weinstein Company - a company which he had co-founded. The forced departure from TWC has resulted in Weinstein suing to gain access to his personnel files and company email account.